Making the Case for a New Concept
The client had a unique concept idea for a hotel lounge conversion. The client’s ideation process enabled them to verbalize the concept and its unique points and potential. However they were in need of a “statement” of the concept in order to present it to the key parties, without which the project would likely not go forward. The Concept Statement was to be presented to hotel ownership (funding), hotel management, designers, project manager and company executives.
Grill Ventures invoked its F&B Concept Development Methodology for Hotels process.
We first established the concept criteria with a focus on ownership’s POV.
Next came the research required to understand the hotel. This also included information about the hotel’s brand, the brand’s demographics and its standards. Grill Ventures used a detailed process to gather and analyze the hotel’s considerable and varied data. We also looked at local media including social media. During a site visit we conducted interviews with employees and management.
Then we turned to the marketplace. The restaurant market was examined. Data was gathered about local residents, workers and nearby shopping areas. In addition to traditional demographics information, lifestyle behavior trends were also examined.
Following these first steps of the Methodology process, GVI was able to transform an initial two-hour interview into a full-fledged 30-page (researched & illustrated) Concept Statement.
This included:
The concept “story” – from the guest’s point of view
Mission & Vision
Background: the guest, the customer, the competition
Explanation of the USP (Unique Selling Proposition), and how it supports the hotel’s image & profits
Key attributes of the concept – Concept Standards
The product Touch Points – how we “tell” the story
Marketing plan (internal, external)
Appendix (e.g. critical source documents, illustrations, etc.)
In this case ideation had proceeded without first establishing – in writing – the concept criteria and without conducting thorough research. The resulting ideas were creative and visionary, but lacked credibility and a case to proceed.
The owner, convinced that the appropriate due diligence had been accomplished, bought into the concept’s vision and the new lounge opened with great fanfare, and is now regarded a significant success.